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Musical Theater Club


The Musical Theater Club focuses on developing students’ singing/acting/movement skills in a variety of musical theater performing styles and is designed to enhance artistic and creative talents. Students will learn to use their own personal voice type to sing different kinds of songs, while analyzing lyrics and character in order to better communicate a story through vocal and physical expression. Students will learn solo and ensemble dance scenes as a part of the overall design of the show. Through the expression of dance and movement students will learn how to covey the ideas and themes of the story through movement. The students will learn the basics of musical theater history and storytelling through the club productions.


Fitness Club


An active, healthy club for students who like to run, walk, perform yoga, and improve their overall physical fitness. Your club may also include health education components as you teach members the importance of injury prevention through warming up, stretching, cooling down, staying hydrated, healthy food choices, and healthy habits.  


Tutoring/Homework Club


Tutoring/Homework Club is available to students in grades 1 through 8.  Students are grouped in age-appropriate sessions with staff members from VPCS.  During the club we focus on priority standards and prior year skills to ensure student understanding within the content.  


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